Saying Yes to Joy
I chose this topic for the next several sessions based on current themes in my life. First, I don’t remember...
I chose this topic for the next several sessions based on current themes in my life. First, I don’t remember...
10_09_2023 I admitted to myself a couple of years back that we are living through a time in our country’s...
There are enough signs that we’re entering the Fall Season that I find I am excited to entertain changes. The...
Continuing the Journey I look forward to continuing to share my thoughts about how we can support ourselves to continue...
02_25_2023 Moving Toward Living With Ease Hello again! I’ve been away from blogging for several weeks as I’ve been concentrating...
O1_08_2023 New Beginnings At this time each year, I usually find myself in a space where I pause to consider...
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